After adding teams to a league, the option to generate the league matches will become available.
From the home page, click the Leagues tab.
Select the correct season from the dropdown menu to check what leagues exist already.
Click the Generate button.
The Generate League page has several key features.
The rounds are displayed here, along with the dates of play.
All matches are seen on this table, including potential conflicts with existing bookings on the diary.
The first action to take on this page once the red conflict bookings have been resolved is to click the Improve Lane Balance button at the bottom of the page.
This prompts the system to run dozens more calculations to attempt to improve the lane balance. The system keeps the best combination it found in all the calculations and saves it. The page refreshes to show the new results.
Sometimes, a better result can't be achieved, or it may take many attempts due to raw mathematics.
The Restart button resets the process, the system forgets the best calculation it saved previously.
When a satisfactory result is achieved, scroll to the bottom and click Write matches to diary.
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