Under the Manager menu you can find Online Booking Settings:
In this page you can set some limits for what members can do when booking rinks online via the Member Portal.
First, lets clarify that members can't make new bookings into dates that are in the past, and bookings with dates in the past aren't counted towards any limits.
Also, Provisional Bookings are not counted in any of the following limits.
Number of bookings per day
This is the maximum bookings the member can have on any calendar date.
Number of days in the future the member can book
This prevents members from reserving rinks too far in the future. Most clubs set this to 30 days.
Total active/future bookings per member
In addition to the Number of bookings per day limit, here you can set the overall maximum bookings the member can have at any one time.
For example, you set a 2 bookings per day limit, and a 30 day limit, butyou don't set a limit here for the total future bookings per member, the member could still make a total of 60 future bookings within those limits.
So you could set this limit to 10 bookings for example, and the member would find that they can make 2 bookings a day on any dates within the next 30 days, but they will be prevented from making any more bookings for now.
Obviously, the number set here needs to be higher than the per day limit.
Members can cancel bookings on the same day
Some clubs prefer not to allow members to easily cancel bookings on the day-of. This appears to be a deterrent to encourage members to plan/decide in advance and free up rinks.
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