The Bowlr system has a small feature available to help manage Club 300 (Sometimes known as Club 50/50 or other names).
This feature is hidden for new clubs but can be enabled on request.
This makes a list of numbers 0 to 300 available in the member's profile.
The manager can select from this list one or more numbers to allocate to the member. When a number has been allocated to a member, and the profile saved. The number is no longer available in the list when editing other members.
A number higher than 300 can be entered manually into the number field by the manager. The list will then update to include new numbers that are below the new "highest number".
For example, if the manager enters the number 350 for a member. Then the numbers 301 to 349 will now also be available for selection in the list. Where previously the highest number was 300.
We can also change the default '300' number to another amount, for example, if you run a club '100'.
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