This option changes the scoring system to be based shot difference, instead of the scoring rules which normally convert a Win, Lose or Draw into a pre-determined quantity of points.
This is based on the shot difference between the 2 teams:
Win by <4 shots = Winner gets 5 points, Loser gets 3 points
Win by 5-9 shots = Winner gets 6 points, Loser gets 2 points
Win by 10-14 shots = Winner gets 7 points, Loser gets 1 points
Win by >14 shots = Winner gets 8 points, Loser gets 0 points
Draw = Both teams get 4 points.
Team A result = 10
Team B result = 7
On Score based on Shots, Team A would get 5 points, and Team B would get 3 points.
A normal scoring system may award Team A just 2 points and Team B would get 0 points.
It is not possible to customise this option.
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