Day Leagues are a special type of league originally requested by Boston Indoor Bowls club.
Players register for the league as individuals, each player amasses their own points throughout the league.
Players are allowed a number of non-attendances throughout the season.
Players are also allowed to use a substitute player during the season, and this is monitored.
The players, the schedule and the number of non-attendances allowed are entered to create the league.
The league plays a regular schedule, there is a fixed number of rinks and therefore teams available on each round.
Each rink has a Red team and Black team.
Before every session, a draw is made to allocate players to teams in the rinks available.
The teams play the matches and the team's result is earned as points by each player. So when a team wins 3 points, each player in the team is awarded 3 points.
Because the teams change every round, the team score is irrelevant.
The standings table lists players.
When a sub is required, the player finds another member that is not registered in this league. The points earned by the sub are awarded to the player.
Because there is no need to balance the teams or number of matches played, the league can play an arbitrary number of rounds.
To create a Day League, you must first go to the Member list and create a new group with all of the registered players for this league.
On the Create new league page, selecting the Day League option will reveal an option for selecting the group of members that should play in the league.
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